DPI hits milestone in Australia with 204 MW Solar Project
DPI Group is glad to annouce the succesful completion of the development and subsequent sale of the 204 MW Megasolar Project “The Edenvale Solar Park” in the Western Downs region, 300 kilometers West of Brisbane, Australia.
The project has been purchased by Sapphire Energy Pty Ltd., owned 50%/50% by Japanese conglomerates ENEOS and Sojitz and it is expected to come online in the second half of 2022.
Edenvale Solar Park is a project developed greenfield by DPI Group and one of Japan’s biggest energy projects ever in Australia. It will help greatly reduce emissions from a metallurgical coal mine in central Queensland.
DPI believes that this newmilestone will ultimately have a great impact in the lives of thousands of individuals in Australia and globally.
We continue to strive to make a better world by increasing clean energy availability.
For additional information, please refer to the following links:
https://www.sojitz.com/en/news/2021/06/20210610.php (in English)
https://www.jiji.com/jc/article?k=000000026.000073843&g=prt (in Japanese)